Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Aizuchi"

Otras preguntas sobre "Aizuchi"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? I’ve read about Aizuchi in an article, so I will talk about it today. It is a reaction that the Japanese do in the conversation to progress. I didn’t notice we are doing Aizuchi so many times and it possibly makes English speakers uncomfortable. The article showed that the Japanese do Aizuchi three times more than the others, and they might feel it is interrupted. Reading this article, I remembered that I felt like my English teacher was not interested in my story when he listened to me without reaction. This misunderstanding made me avoid social situations where I have to speak in English. I’m curious about how people in other countries do reactions in conversation.
A: × I’ve read about Aizuchi in an article, so I will talk about it today.
✓ I’ve read about Aizuchi (interjections during a conversation) in an article, so I will talk about it today.

× It is a reaction that the Japanese do in the conversation to progress.
✓ It is something that the Japanese do during conversation to let the speaker know they are listening to them.

× I didn’t notice we are doing Aizuchi so many times and it possibly makes English speakers uncomfortable.
✓ Until recently, I didn’t notice how often we use Aizuchi, and I realized it might make English speakers uncomfortable.

× The article showed that the Japanese do Aizuchi three times more than the others, and they might feel it is interrupted.
✓ The article showed that the Japanese use Aizuchi three times more often than people who speak other languages, and that people who are not familiar with it might feel interrupted.

× Reading this article, I remembered that I felt like my English teacher was not interested in my story when he listened to me without reaction.
✓ Reading this article, I remembered that I felt like my English teacher was not interested in my story when he listened to me without reacting.

× I’m curious about how people in other countries do reactions in conversation.
✓ I’m curious about how people in other countries react during conversation.

This is a very interesting topic! I think you will find that the level of interjections used during conversation varies a lot in the United States. I grew up on the East Coast, where people use a lot of interjections. When I moved to the West Coast, people told me I was rude and I had to learn how to not interject.

I have found that if you use body language (nodding your head) and make little noises (umm, yeah, ok) quietly people don’t feel those are very disruptive.

I worry because when I speak Japanese, I don’t know how to use あいづち correctly, and Japanese people will think I am not interested.

I hope you can get over your hesitation to speak in English. I’ll try to overcome my hesitation too.
Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Aizuchi:

A positive response is somewhat a weaker affirmation than “Naruhodo!(I got it!). So, “huun” could be something like “Oh, I see.” The tone is softer and warmly conveys empathy.

There could be negative connotations to the expression as well. Firstly, it may imply that he is not interested in your conversation and doesn’t want it develop. Secondly, he has trouble sympathizing with your words. Thirdly, he is just replying curtly because he feels bothered explaining all. Fourthly, he is showing a noncommittal stance to your opinion.

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