Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Bureau"

Otras preguntas sobre "Bureau"

Q: What does "I deployed my Bureau of Boyfriends mix-up line to a grudging but sweet reception. " mean in the following context? (This is an excerpt from an essay written by a man who donated his sperm when he was young and years later meets his children. One of his daughters, tells him about her boyfriend and turns out that his name is the same as his and writes "Had there been a mix-up at the Bureau of Boyfriends? Was I the one who was supposed to be dating her?". And in the following sentence, Jess is his daughter's mother.)

Whether we were pawns of fate or unwitting participants in a chromosomally arranged marriage, Jess and I quickly bonded. I deployed my Bureau of Boyfriends mix-up line to a grudging but sweet reception.

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