Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Dean"

Otras preguntas sobre "Dean"

Q: "But why did you come so soon, Dean?"
"Ah," he said, looking at me as if for the first time, "so soon, yes. We – we'll know – that is, I don't know. I came on the railroad pass – cabooses – old hard-bench coaches – Texas – played flute and wooden sweet potato all the way." He took out his new wooden flute. He played a few squeaky notes on it and jumped up and down in his stocking feet. "See?" he said. "But of course, Sal, I can talk as soon as ever and have many things to say to you in fact with my own little bangtail mind I've been reading and reading this gone Proust all the way across the country and digging a great number of things I'll never have TIME to tell you about and we STILL haven't talked of Mexico and our parting there in fever – but no need to talk. Absolutely, now, yes?"

- what does it mean "wooden sweet potato"? i think potato here implies to flute but how does a flute look like potato? potato is round and flute is like a stick. i also kinda wonder where does this saying "potato" come from.
- what does "bangtail" imply here, "with my own little bangtail mind"? like, his mind is well-trained?
- what does it mean "reading this gone Proust"? to be specific - what is and why "gone Proust"?

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