Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Genophage"

El significado de "Genophage" en varias frases y oraciones

Q: ¿Qué significa Genophage?
A: Ahhhhh. A heavy metal song. I watched a portion of the respective Youtube video and they said it means "to step up and do the right thing no matter where you go".

Here's my guess based on evidence.

Firstly, the word is a portmanteau (meaning a combination of two words) of genocide and phage. Genocide meaning "the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group."

And phage meaning "a thing that devours"

Thus, the definition fits perfectly into where the name originates from, which is a virus that is wiping out an entire species in the game Mass effect. As for proof that it originates from Mass effect, there have been no recorded instances of genophage used consistently in other literary form except for mass effect.
(well barely a proof but words usually have a record in wiki databases if they make any sense in daily usage)

So this brings me to my last point. If it is only used in mass effect, my guess is music bands, as they always will be, love to name their songs or groups with names that sound cool or culturally have a contorted meaning.

This is where you have to use your imagination to link "a virus that kills a species" to "to step up to do the right thing".

My guess is that since there are corrupted leaders that profit at the expense of others, they are like viruses that kill good antibodies in order to proliferate. So in order to wipe out these viruses out, you need to step up to do the right thing.

Thus the name Accumulatory Genophage is a reminder to mankind that there's a lot of corrupted individuals on earth and let's do the right thing.

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