Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Greek"

Otras preguntas sobre "Greek"

Q: 1. Greek food hasn't permeated in Japan as much as the other countries.

2. This is an app where you can compare all the plane tickets and airline company at the same time. Once you click it, the travel agency will show up and you can book the tickets.

3. A lot of cinemas have been closed down because there are Netflix and Disney Plus where people can watch movies and tv series at home quite easily. The cinema got affected by those new technologies. I know how convenient that is but I'd still like to stick to the old fashion way of watching it.

4. That defeats the purpose of coming to this restaurant if the popular dish is sold out.

5. In n out registered their trademark in the Asian countries. That's why they need to open up a store once in a while to protect the trademark .

Are these natural? If it sounds unnatural or grammatically wrong, please let me know😊

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