Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Haribo"

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Q: ¿Esto suena natural? I went to buy Haribo Halloween mix to ALDI, but it sold out, so I went to Target. There were packs of 150 individuals Haribo mix.
I bought one. Then I picked my youngest son up from preschool.
I should have bought more, my sons love Haribo gummy, so after picking my middle son up from preschool, I went there again with my kiddos this time.
My oldest two boys were so good in the store, but the little one who is 22 months is terrible. He wanted to walk alone in the parking lot, but I didn't admit that. Then he cried loudly in the store and he tried to back the parking lot. I was so tired, even just buying gummies.
I don't want to bring my youngest son to shop for a while.

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