Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Infra"

Otras preguntas sobre "Infra"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Infra Information Technology is the company oriented Total Solution Provider through OA / IT asset management solution, security solution, BIM solution, consulting service and CG, virtualization system for architecture, engineering, general companies. We has secured a variety of distribution channel such as direct / online sales. Also, We hold publishing, education and various projects for customers with our technical, R&D expert manpower.

NetHelper : the systematic administration of all sorts of IT assets and managing weakness of the security exposed to the danger of leakage. Comback : Quick restoration solution protecting OS from all sorts of unexpected situations including data loss.
NLock : IT equipment carrying in control and data protection solution. WIZHelper : Security strengthened remote supporting solution. PointLock Pro : Information leakage or data approach interception, management & file encryption solution.

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