Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Min"

Otras preguntas sobre "Min"

Q: ‎Is this natural?

‎E : Min, I found a great macaron place.

M : Really? It's like you are good at finding great places. Where is it?

E : Wait. Let me text you this blog I found it on.

M : Oh, um, I don't have my cell phone.

E : Where is it?

M : Where do you think I left one, again?

E : You left it the bar where we were last night. Right?

M : Probably. So I'm on my way there.

E : Then you will be able to see my text later.

M : Yes, I will.
I'm sure it will be good since you found it.
Shall we try the macron place tomorrow?

E : Okay, so what time do you have tomorrow?

4 p.m is okay for me. What do you say?

M : Can we make it a little bit later than that?

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