Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Movies"

Otras preguntas sobre "Movies"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

There are several reasons people go to movies. In my view, fundamentally, what they are seeking is narratives. They know well that what they are watching is actually made up and technically not authentic. However, what makes movies fascinating is that in the narratives are those dreams embedded in the stories that we want to be fulfilled, or sometimes justice, provided we are talking about movies we regard as ‘well-made.’ This might explain what we are. We are beings that always long for something we lack, something ideal, beautiful, aesthetically satiating. Even the people who’d done the most horrific things in history had their just cause. From my perspective, the human consciousness is just impossible without the ground base of pursuit of something. By saying ‘something’ here, I might be referring to ‘alleviating pain.’ Because almost always, what motivates us is the desire to fill the void in life, especially and ironically in this confusing and prosperous modern world.
One of my favorite movies is the ‘Matrix’ series. No doubt, the apocalyptic background underlying the storyline is fabricated by the directors. However, for some inexplicable reason, the movies are still loved and watched all over the world, and I must have watched them over ten times myself. I’d ruminated over this from time to time, and the reason was pretty obvious. Because I believe that seemingly far-fetched ideas (I’m not only talking about enhanced reality technology and artificial intelligence. What I’m more interested in is the narratives represented by the conflicts between ideologies of what we are and what we should be) to be meaningful or true deep within, and the persuasiveness of the plots makes the narrative personally relevant quite successfully every time I watch it.
I must be not only one who’s felt hopeless more than once watching people(especially politicians) trying to reason with someone else and hardly successful. However, I believe narratives have more power than reasoning sometimes and I hope the time will come when we can better understand others.

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