Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Peaky"

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Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Peaky Blinders is a TV series about gangs in Britain, during the last century. Poverty and greed are the main reasons in spreading violence and murders in Britain as many countries around the world. The absence of law, corruption, collusion are the fuel of making murders last. Through that toxic vibe, many good people were forced to use violence to protect themselves and their families, because not doing this will cost them their lives. Here, I am not justifying using violence as much as I want to focus on how our lives can be affected by circumstances around us. My father told me a story about my grandfather which is the reason why I am writing this notebook. He told me that my grandfather was a tough man. He had to be tough because at that time, weak people have limited chances to protect their lives in the absence of law.

A: × Peaky Blinders is a TV series about gangs in Britain, during the last century.
Peaky Blinders is a dramatic TV series that focuses on gangs in Britain, taking place during the last century.

× Poverty and greed are the main reasons in spreading violence and murders in Britain as many countries around the world.
✓ Poverty and greed are the primary reasons that spread violence and murders in Britain, as it did in many countries around the world.

× The absence of law, corruption, collusion are the fuel of making murders last.
✓ The absence of law, along with the presence of corruption and collusion, resulted in homocides.

× Through that toxic vibe, many good people were forced to use violence to protect themselves and their families, because not doing this will cost them their lives.
✓ Because of that toxicity, otherwise law abiding citizens felt the need to use violence, in order to protect themselves and their families.

× Here, I am not justifying using violence as much as I want to focus on how our lives can be affected by circumstances around us.
✓ I am not justifying using violence, but I want to highlight how our lives can be affected by circumstances around us.

× My father told me a story about my grandfather which is the reason why I am writing this notebook.
✓ I am writing this because my father told me a story about my grandfather.

× He had to be tough because at that time, weak people have limited chances to protect their lives in the absence of law.
✓ He had to be tough because at that time, weak people had limited resources to protect their lives.

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