Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Places"

Otras preguntas sobre "Places"

Q: Can you explain this?: "Places that don't believe in magic seem to burn far fewer witches."
I don't understand why.

For context:
Person1: I would say they might burn her at the stake as a witch, but I guess magic canonically exists in this world so that’s not too big of a worry

Person2: there's still a chance since technically, the only reason our world burned witches was because magic was canon in their favorite book. Places that dont believe in magic seem to burn far fewer witches.

Person3: That’s fairly true, in our world I guess it was about doing the “right kind” of magic. To be fair though, it seems like it’d be a little bit less of an issue where magic seems to be widely accepted as something many people can do (as opposed to an exclusive thing bestowed upon specific people by some higher being). Most places in antiquity believed in some form of magic or another, but it was more about the attitude and perception of “magic” than anything else, which shouldn’t be much of an issue in this world

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