Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Ted"

El significado de "Ted" en varias frases y oraciones

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Q: The TED presentation is TV series which I watch regularly.

The TED presentation is famous all over the world as an official place of presentations for prestigious scientists, activists, and entrepreneurs.
There, The TED run themes around 1 or 2 on every time.
They show outcomes of their research that are such as discrimination, phycology, photography technologies with cutting edges and so on.

The reason why I am eager to that TV series is following
1, Because I can deeply know the latest outcomes, which is informative for me to consider where the world is going.
2, Because I can widely know various outcomes apart from seeing information in our daily lives.
3, Because to acquire different notions makes me expand my mind.

I hope students that they watch this TV series to get prolong insights and to become a global person in their future, especially graduated students.
I believe that young persons as they make a new future more than now.

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