Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Aynone"

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Q: Can aynone correct that please
1. New trends in television consumption/broadcasting
A program, that is transmitted over airwaves for public absorption by people with a receiver tuned to the wished signal channel, is a television broadcast. It is known, that the internet, mobile devices and other streaming services, such as Netflix is taking over the traditional TV and home entertainment mediums. Several of Television Channels have announced that they will start offering independent streaming services, which will work without a cable connection. This is for example a big advantage for the typical American Household, which has an average of seven connected devices and this number will grow over time, fast. For example, 37% of US Consumers own the three devices: tablet, mobile phone and laptop. This is a 270% increase since 2010. In 2010 only 11% of women owned these three devices, now it’s 45%.

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