Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Booking"

Otras preguntas sobre "Booking"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? About booking an express bus to a national park in Japan : I would like you to change this to more natural English please.
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You maybe would like to make a reservation for the express bus, before coming to Japan.
Unfortunately, the online booking website and telephone desk of the bus company are only in Japanese. So, it is a good idea to ask your friend who can use Japanese.

Some Japanese travel agencies offer online booking website and telephone desk in English. However, you are maybe charged some service fee or they offer expensive tour that includes the bus, accommodation, tour guide and so on.

Usually the bus doesn’t get full capacity between Monday to Thursday except pre-holiday. Friday and Saturday are often full, especially peak season between late-June and late-July.

The successful choice is that you go to the ticket desk of the bus company as soon as possible to purchase the bus ticket when you arrive in Tokyo, and you should use the bus at those weekdays.

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