Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Builder"

Otras preguntas sobre "Builder"

1. He's the most famous builder in Japan who is know as being buff at his old age. He retired from all the competitions but he has been releasing his own proteins, protein bas, and things that are related to working out.

2. Has the number of tourists decreased over the past few years?

3. It's been more and more tourists coming to Hawaii in the past year.

4. It's interesting that even though not every cafe serves oat milk and soy milk as selections in Japan, but many cafes in the US usually serve at least three kinds of milk up to 6 or so. I realized how late Japan is on trends

5. I got a new fall jacket which was released in September.

6. There was a price table for the movie ticket where they offer cheaper tickets for those who are a member of the cinenma.

7. A new video is going to be uploaded at tomorrow's 9 pm.

Are these natural? If it sounds unnatural or grammatically wrong, please let me know😊

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