Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Chart"

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Q: ¿Esto suena natural? ‎As we can see from the charts, the main emissor of greenhouse gas is water heating, and it is known to be the biggest responsible in the increase of electrical power bill. Heating also takes a considerable place in it, but the second "villan" is "Other Appliances", which passes as an unseen character, because are part of the small things such as ironing and washing machine.

Fourteen percent of the greenhouse gas emission comes from refrigeration, which is concerning, because we are still in search for better ways to use gas that do not affect the ozone layer. Even using only seven percent as energy use, the impact on the environment is big.

Fourty-two percent in energy use is huge and we should invest more into researching new ways to efficiently heat houses and help the small home-owners save some money. In thermodynamics, the biggest amount of energy is used converting energy into heat, that is the reason why heating occupy the first place as the most expensive energy utility.

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