Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Dygistive"

Otras preguntas sobre "Dygistive"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? dygistive system has been always facinating to me as I had to go throgh endoscopy for my dygetive tract. TEspecially, how the Accessory Organs play role in Dygestive system made it more interested to learn about dygestive system. Pancrease was the one of accessory organs that I thought very interetsing as it has endocrin function and exocrine function. In dygestive system, it sectrets Pancreatic enzymes which include anylase, trypsin, peptidase, and lipase.each to dygestion occurre. I also thought how stomach produce gastic juice to keep low PH in was interesting. Also esopho spector was preventing the acids to from going back toward the esphogus and the polyic spinctor is the preventing acids from small intenenstin. Overall, I thought Dygestive system was very interesting. Does this sound natural?
A: × dygistive system has been always facinating to me as I had to go throgh endoscopy for my dygetive tract.
✓ The digestive system has always been fascinating to me, particularly as I had to go through an endoscopy for my digestive tract.

× TEspecially, how the Accessory Organs play role in Dygestive system made it more interested to learn about dygestive system.
✓ The roles the Accessory Organs play in the digestive system were particularly interesting to learn about.

× Pancrease was the one of accessory organs that I thought very interetsing as it has endocrin function and exocrine function.
✓ The Pancreas is one of the accessory organs that I thought very interesting as it has both endocrine and exocrine function.

× In dygestive system, it sectrets Pancreatic enzymes which include anylase, trypsin, peptidase, and lipase.each to dygestion occurre.
✓ In the digestive system, it secretes Pancreatic enzymes which include anylase, trypsin, peptidase, and lipase as digestion occurs.

× I also thought how stomach produce gastic juice to keep low PH in was interesting.
✓ I also thought how the stomach produces gastric juice to keep its PH low was interesting.

× Also esopho spector was preventing the acids to from going back toward the esphogus and the polyic spinctor is the preventing acids from small intenenstin.
✓ Also the esophageal sphincter preventing the acids from going back toward the esphogus and the pyloric sphinctor preventing acids from the small intestine are amazing.

× Overall, I thought Dygestive system was very interesting.
✓ Overall, I thought Digestive system was very interesting.

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? dygistive system has been always facinating to me as I had to go throgh endoscopy for my dygetive tract. TEspecially, how the Accessory Organs play role in Dygestive system made it more interested to learn about dygestive system. Pancrease was the one of accessory organs that I thought very interetsing as it has endocrin function and exocrine function. In dygestive system, it  sectrets Pancreatic enzymes which  include anylase, trypsin, peptidase, and lipase.each to dygestion occurre. I also thought how stomach produce gastic juice to keep low PH in was interesting. Also esopho spector was preventing the acids to from going back toward the esphogus and the polyic spinctor is the preventing acids from small intenenstin. Overall, I thought Dygestive system was very interesting. 
A: × dygistive system has been always facinating to me as I had to go throgh endoscopy for my dygetive tract.
✓ Digestive system has been always fascinating to me as I had to go for an endoscopy for my digestive tract.

× TEspecially, how the Accessory Organs play role in Dygestive system made it more interested to learn about dygestive system.
✓ Especially, how the Accessory Organs play a role in the digestive system made it more interesting to learn about it

× Pancrease was the one of accessory organs that I thought very interetsing as it has endocrin function and exocrine function.
✓ Pancreas was the one of accessory organs that I thought was very interetsing as it has endocrine function and exocrine function.

× In dygestive system, it  sectrets Pancreatic enzymes which  include anylase, trypsin, peptidase, and lipase.each to dygestion occurre.
✓ The digestive system secretes Pancreatic enzymes which include amylase, trypsin, peptidase, and lipase which help digestion occur.

× I also thought how stomach produce gastic juice to keep low PH in was interesting.
✓ I also thought about how stomach producing gastic juice to maintain its low PH was interesting.

× Also esopho spector was preventing the acids to from going back toward the esphogus and the polyic spinctor is the preventing acids from small intenenstin.
✓ Also esphogus spector was preventing the acids from going back toward the esphogus and the polyic spinctor is the preventing acids from entering the small intestine.

× Overall, I thought Dygestive system was very interesting.
✓ Overall, I thought the Digestive system was very interesting.

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