Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Evacuate"

Ejemplos de oración usando "Evacuate"

Q: Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con evacuate.
A: "evacuate" is the act of removing or relocating people or objects from a particular place or area.

1. Emergency situations: "Evacuate" such as natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, floods, wildfires) or man-made disasters (e.g., chemical spills, terrorist attacks). In these situations, people may be evacuated from their homes or buildings to ensure their safety.

Example: "Due to the approaching hurricane, the authorities ordered the residents to evacuate the coastal areas."

2. Disasters or accidents: When there is a threat or risk to human life or safety due to a disaster or accident, "evacuate" describes the process of removing people from the affected area.

Example: "The building caught fire, and the firefighters quickly evacuated all the occupants."

3. Medical situations: In medical contexts, "evacuate" refers to the removal or emptying of bodily substances or waste, such as urine, feces, or excess fluid.

Example: "The doctor recommended a diuretic to help evacuate the excess fluid from the patient's body."

4. Transportation: "Evacuate" describes the process of removing passengers from a vehicle, aircraft, or ship in an emergency situation.

Example: "In case of a water landing, the flight attendants will instruct passengers on how to evacuate the aircraft."

5. Clearance operations: In military or law enforcement contexts, "evacuate" describes the process of removing civilians or non-combatants from an area of conflict or danger.

Example: "The government ordered the evacuation of all non-combatants from the war zone."

6. Environmental hazards: "Evacuate" may also be used in the context of environmental hazards, such as chemical spills or radioactive leaks, where people need to be moved away from the affected area to prevent exposure and ensure their safety.

Example: "The authorities declared a state of emergency and evacuated the nearby residents due to a toxic gas leak."

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