Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Gwangho"

Otras preguntas sobre "Gwangho"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? After Gwangho goes out, Midway and Wonheng have dinner together.
Midway asked Wonheng.
「You've been delivering goods and food part-time for months.
How do you feel? You seem off these days. 」
「Honestly, I'm pooped out. I'm really worn out every day.
「Yeah, You don't look so good.」
「Every day, I do regular and part-time two jobs, so I am extremely tired.
I’m always beat.
Every single day, after a long grueling day, I'm dead tired
I'm so exhausted and I pass out at night.
And in the mornings, I feel heavy and down.」
「You seem to never take a day off. When is it especially hard?」
「Particularly, on days when there are a lot of uphill deliveries
or buildings without elevators wipe me out.」
「Do you get stressed out a lot? What are you stressed about?」
「Many customers stress me out.
Mentally also, I just feel drained.
If the goods are lost or damaged, or if a customer complains, I'm worn out.」
「How much money do you make a month?」
「It depends on the number hours worked.
I have to work longer hours to make more money.」
Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Gwangho and Midway are waiting for Wonheng.
Hey, Are you working overtime now?
Do you get stuck at work again?
No, No. I got off work 10 minutes ago.
So, Are you on your way?
Sure, I'm on my way.
I'll be there by 8.
Half an hour later, Wonheung called Gwang-ho.
I'm sorry again. I'm behind schedule.
I am ruunning late in a bus.
Ah, I got off the bus just right now.
I'll be 15 minutes late from 8.
I will call you when I arrive.
After a while, Wonheung arrived.
I'm sorry. I'm late.
What took you so long?
Sorry to keep you waiting for so long?
Something's come up at work.
And I got stuck in bad traffic.
In the future, make sure to leave for the day sharp.
The fan club meeting is over. Let's go get a drink.

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