Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Imaging"

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Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Imaging Test

Today, there are many kinds of imaging tests used in diagnosis; X-ray, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, PET scan. What the differences between the many types of imaging tests are?
X-ray is the quickest and most reasonable imaging test. An electronic wave called X-ray shows the area it cannot transmit so that it can depict bones or contrast medium in blood vessels or digestive tract. X-ray is good at imaging bones, teeth or lung lesions (lung cancer, tuberculosis and pleural effusion). However, it only shows us one direction images.
CT scan uses a series of x-rays to create cross-sections of the inside of the body. CT scan is useful in searching lung lesions like X-ray because it can show air in our body. X-ray cannot depict small lung cancer or other lesions because they can hide behind ribs. CT scan is also good at finding calculus (stone) such as gallstones or kidney stones.
MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and tissues in the body. It is useful to show details of brain, most of abdominal organs, spine and blood vessels. We can use MRI in order to find cancer, spinal cord disorders or aneurysms. However, since MRI use magnetic power, the patients with cardiac pacemaker cannot use MRI.
Ultrasound is useful to search in our body quickly and safely. We can use ultrasound to find every kinds of lesions in our body but it is not good at depicting organs behind bones or air such as lung, stomach and intestines.
PET scans use radioactive drugs called tracers and a scanning machine to show how your tissues and organs are functioning. Specific kinds of tissues have unique molecules. Once you swallow or are injected tracers, tracers gather in specific tissues. For instance, cancer tissue has strong glucose metabolism. The teaser similar to glucose will gather in the cancer tissue and we can find cancer.
We have to be careful about radiation exposure by X-ray, CT scan and PET scans.
A: Currently, there are various types of imaging tests used for diagnosis, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, ultrasound scans, and PET scans. What is the difference between these imaging tests?
X-rays are the fastest and most reasonable imaging test. electronic waves called X-rays show areas that cannot be penetrated and can depict bones and contrast agents in blood vessels and the digestive tract. X-rays are good for imaging bones, teeth, lung lesions (lung cancer, tuberculosis, pleural effusion), etc. X-rays can also be used to see the inside of the body. However, it can only show images in one direction.
A CT scan uses a series of X-rays to create a cross-sectional view of the inside of the body; CT scans can show the air inside the body, helping to search for lung lesions, just like an X-ray. Small lung cancers and other lesions cannot be depicted by X-rays because they are hidden by the ribs. CT scans are also excellent for detecting stones, such as gallstones and kidney stones.
MRI uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and tissues in the body. It is useful for seeing details of the brain, most organs in the abdomen, spine, and blood vessels. It is used to detect cancer, spinal cord disorders, and aneurysms. However, because MRI uses magnetism, it is not available to people with cardiac pacemakers.
Ultrasound is useful for searching inside the body quickly and safely. It can find any lesion in the body, but is not good at depicting organs deep in bone or air, such as the lungs, stomach and intestines.
A PET scan uses a radioactive agent called a tracer and a scanning device to show the function of tissues and organs. Certain types of tissues have molecules that are unique to them. When a tracer is swallowed or injected, the tracer collects in a specific tissue. For example, cancerous tissues have a high metabolism of glucose. The glucose-like teasers gather in the cancerous tissue and can detect the cancer.
Note that you should be careful about radiation exposure from X-rays, CT scans, and PET scans.

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