Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Involvement"

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Q: ¿Esto suena natural? The involvement of computers in everyday life of humans is continually increasing. In addition to their application in business, hospital, criminal investigation and aerospace, computers are predicted to have even broader applications in the future, for example, education. However, the wide use of computers also raises some concerns. I believe we should be more suspicious instead of simply taking it all.
Many countries are on the board collaborating with the science education unit to enable robotic education to become an integral part of our education system in the future. When students first come to school, a chatbot can do everything from helping students register for classes to helping professors request time off. When they take classes with robots, their communication and focus can be largely improved as robots can carefully keep track of children's behaviour and collect datasets.

Despite certain advantages, this large-scale implementation also lead to a series of problems that should definitely not be overlooked. Take AI education as an example. As robots gradually take over the campus, children may find human relationships inconvenient and confusing in the future, and prefer to stay inside a virtual reality. This trend of social isolation will push children into social phobia and fear of intimacy. In addition, there is no substitute for a face-to-face relationship with a caring and well-informed teacher. Although AI robots can copy human behaviors through machine learning, they can never own human emotions, thoughts, mindsets and any other biological features behind those behaviors. When a student feels depressed about failures, it's hard for a robot to give all-around care but only some defined and mechanical answers. Moreover, the widespread of computers is supposed to result in mass unemployment, especially for those labor-intensive industries. Except for programmers and engineers, the jobs of millions of employees might be in question.

To sum up, it is undeniable that computers make our life easier and bring us liberation from exhausting labour. Still, we should be critical of this trend, as it also poses threats to our society.
A: × The involvement of computers in everyday life of humans is continually increasing.
✓ The involvement of computers in everyday human life is continually increasing.

× In addition to their application in business, hospital, criminal investigation and aerospace, computers are predicted to have even broader applications in the future, for example, education.
✓ In addition to their application in business, hospital, criminal investigation and aerospace, computers are predicted to have even broader applications in the future, for example, in education.

× I believe we should be more suspicious instead of simply taking it all.
✓ I believe we should be more suspicious instead of simply taking it all in.

× Many countries are on the board collaborating with the science education unit to enable robotic education to become an integral part of our education system in the future.
✓ Many countries are on board collaborating with the science education specialists to enable use of robots in education as future integral part of our education system.

× When a student feels depressed about failures, it's hard for a robot to give all-around care but only some defined and mechanical answers.
✓ When a student feels depressed about a failure it's hard for a robot to give all-around care but only some defined and mechanical answers.

× Moreover, the widespread of computers is supposed to result in mass unemployment, especially for those labor-intensive industries.
✓ Moreover, the widespread use of computers is supposed to result in mass unemployment, especially for those labor-intensive industries.

× Except for programmers and engineers, the jobs of millions of employees might be in question.
✓ Except for programmers and engineers, the jobs of millions of employees might be in jeopardy.

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