Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Journey"

El significado de "Journey" en varias frases y oraciones

Q: ¿Qué significa A journey into the soul of America.?
A: It sounds literary or maybe poetic.

Saying that something is "the heart" or "the soul" of something, is saying that it is central to what makes its identity the way it is. Like some people say that the kitchen is the heart of the home, in order to say that things like (food, warmth and where people feel comfortable and taken care of), all added together is what you find in a kitchen, and all added together is also what makes a place feel like a home. Just like the heart is the deepest, most important, center of what keeps a person alive. And just like how a soul is the innermost part of who a person is, what makes their personality, their character, what makes them who they are. These are things that are at the center if something. Culturally, this means it is the deepest part, the most important part of something. Like the part that matters most, that defines them, that makes them most like themselves. Like the center of an onion is the most onion-like part of the onion. The center of a town is deepest inside of the town you can be. A heart holds the deepest feelings. A soul is what makes a person into the person they are deep down inside.

So to say "the heart" or "the soul" or even "the heart and soul" of a country. This is a literary or poetic way of emphasizing that this part of the culture or place is almost like the home, the heart, the soul, the essence, of what makes it the way that it is. What makes America so very American. What gives America its American identity. It's right at the center of its identity. Right at the core of something, it is the very thing that defines it.

So basically, it's a pretty way of exaggerating how important to American culture they hope this thing is. That the place is deep in significance, in importance, as a part of the identity of America. A place where roots go deep, which has a lot of history that helped to form America into the place it is now, deep into the culture of it, where the traditions which matter the most are, etc. Sometimes they are right about how important and significant that thing or place is. But sometimes they just wanted to sound very important or fancy.

It's a bit hard to explain. But hopefully that makes sense.

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