Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Kimchi"

Otras preguntas sobre "Kimchi"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? 1. Adding kimchi when eating sweet potato doubles the taste, and drinking coke when having a burger makes the whole meal far more pleasant. Like food chemistry, do you think that chemistry exists between people? Why or why not?
For sure, there are people who love to talk about stocks but some like to talk about food or their work. Topics individuals like to talk about are decided whether they have good chemi or not.
Also which side are they on, some love to listen as opposed to people who tend to talk more.

When do we usually feel the “chemistry”? In english “emotional connection or clicking with each other”.
I found myself comfortable towards friends who listen to me very well and respect me, because I know I’m abnormal compared to other people due to my random topics out of my curiosity. but if they accept me as I am, I just naturally open my mind up to them.

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