Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Landing"

El significado de "Landing" en varias frases y oraciones

Otras preguntas sobre "Landing"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Q1.Name some other likely landing areas.
A1.The golf field right under the airplane and the area along side of the river can be landing area in this situation. If there would be no car on the road which is left side of the plane, that also can be.

Q2.What does the pilot need to prepare for this type of landing?
A2.The first thing that pilot do in this situation is put the air plane under their control completely and looking for the area which can be a landing area. Once they have decide to the area to which they are gonna fly, The pilot then must get the check list in accordance with the type of trouble at least before the airplane ditching.

Q3.What should the pilot say to the passengers?
A3.The pilot should tell them the briefly detail of the trouble. In addition, They should ask them to fasten their seat belts tightly and take the certain attitude for the impulse of ditching to secure their safe.

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