Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "London"

El significado de "London" en varias frases y oraciones

Palabras similares a "London" y sus diferencias

Q: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Larger y Bigger y London is bigger than Barcelona y London is larger than Barcelona ?
A: Adjective: large, big - of more than average size/amount/weight/height
comparative form - larger, bigger
superlative form- largest, biggest
large' and 'big' are often interchangeable, sometimes they are not.
'Big' can mean 'important', for example:
'Buying a house is a very big decision'.
It can also be used in informal situations to mean 'older', for example:
'He's my big brother'...
as well as 'successful' or 'powerful', for example:
'London is a big tourist destination'.

Also in informal situations, we can use 'big' to mean 'doing something to a large degree', for example:
'She earns a lot of money, but she's also a big spender' - OR...
'I'm a big fan of yours'.

'Big' is used in a lot of fixed phrases, and because these phrases are fixed, to change 'big 'to 'large' would sound wrong. Examples of fixed phrases using 'big' include:
'It's no big deal' - it's not really important.
'I have big ideas for this house' - impressive plans for the future.
'She's a big mouth' - a person who can't be trusted to keep a secret.
'He's too big for his boots' - too proud of himself.

There are also some fixed phrases using 'large'.
Examples include:
'The prisoners are at large' - they have escaped and may cause harm.
'She's larger than life' - more exciting or amusing than most people.

Finally, quantity words....
'large', more often than 'big', is used with the following quantity words:
'a large amount', 'on a large scale', 'a large number of', 'a large quantity of', 'a large proportion', 'to a large extent', 'a large percentage of', 'a large part of', 'a large volume' and 'a large area'.

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