Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Marble"

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Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Did you know that marble is made of seashells? I am not joking! This is exactly what Earth Observatory (part of the EOS EOS Project Science Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) wrote: "QUOTATION"

Anyway, seashells are linked to positive symbolisms, first and foremost beauty and femininity. The birth of Venus (La nascita di Venere) painted by Botticelli depicts the goddess of love and beauty standing on a giant scallop shell, as pure and as perfect as a pearl.

Who knows if Botticelli saw the Venus Pompeiana (la Venere Pompeiana) before create his masterpiece Birth of Venus... Venus was the patron deity of Pompeii and in addition to the pleas of the lovelorn it was not unusual to call upon Venus Pompeiana for assistance or protection, as a shell proctects the organism which houses in its perfect shape.

Seashells are also a symbol of the golden ratio that represents the relationship between the whole and the part of the whole, thus expressing the connection between man and nature. Take for example the nautilus, a mollusc that has almost 500 million years. It can be considered as the nomad of the sea for the hundreds of miles flown on currents. Its shell is a perfect golden spiral, a magnificent axample of the incomparable artistic and architectural sense of nature.

In some cultures seashells are a good omen gift for a blissful journey of life...

For someone seashells has even healing powers. Because of their connection with water, sheashells hold the energetic intent for the meditation.

Regardless of symbolism, seashells are among the most remarkable design in nature.

Maybe it is for the entire perfection of seashells' design that the only truly sane thing left for us to do is bring them closer to the ears to listen the whisper of the sea, with the innocence and the sense of wonder of a child.
A: Did you know that marble is made of seashells? I am not joking! This is exactly what Earth Observatory (part of the EOS EOS Project Science Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) wrote: "QUOTATION"

Anyway, seashells are linked to positive symbolisms, first and foremost beauty and femininity. The birth of Venus (La nascita di Venere) painted by Botticelli depicts the goddess of love and beauty standing on a giant scallop shell, as pure and as perfect as a pearl.

Who knows if Botticelli saw the Venus Pompeiana (la Venere Pompeiana) before creating his masterpiece Birth of Venus... Venus was the patron deity of Pompeii and in addition to the pleas of the lovelorn it was not unusual to call upon Venus Pompeiana for assistance or protection, as a shell proctects the organism which is housed in its perfect shape.

Seashells are also a symbol of the golden ratio that represents the relationship between the whole and the part of the whole, thus expressing the connection between man and nature. Take for example the nautilus, a mollusc that has been around for almost 500 million years. It can be considered as the nomad of the sea for the hundreds of miles it has flown on currents. Its shell is a perfect golden spiral, a magnificent example of the incomparable artistic and architectural sense of nature.

In some cultures seashells are a good omen gift for a blissful journey of life...

For someone seashells has even healing powers. Because of their connection with water, sheashells hold the energetic intent for meditation.

Regardless of symbolism, seashells are among the most remarkable design in nature.

Maybe it is for the entire perfection of seashells' design that the only truly sane thing left for us to do is bring them closer to the ears to listen the whisper of the sea, with the innocence and the sense of wonder of a child.
Q: *** Much of the marble coldness of Hester's impression was to be attributed to the circumstance that her life had turned, in a great measure, from passion and feeling to thought. Standing alone in the world--alone, as to any dependence on society, and with little Pearl to be guided and protected--alone, and hopeless of retrieving her position, even had she not scorned to consider it desirable--she cast away the fragment of a broken chain. The world's law was no law for her mind. It was an age in which the human intellect, newly emancipated, had taken a more active and a wider range than for many centuries before. Men of the sword had overthrown nobles and kings. Men bolder than these had overthrown and rearranged--not actually, but within the sphere of theory, which was their most real abode--the whole system of ancient prejudice, wherewith was linked much of ancient principle. Hester Prynne imbibed this spirit. She assumed a freedom of speculation, then common enough on the other side of the Atlantic, but which our forefathers, had they known it, would have held to be a deadlier crime than that stigmatised by the scarlet letter. In her lonesome cottage, by the seashore, thoughts visited her such as dared to enter no other dwelling in New England; shadowy guests, that would have been as perilous as demons to their entertainer, could they have been seen so much as knocking at her door.

* As in "shadowy guests, that would have been as perilous as demons to their entertainer, could they have been seen so much as knocking at her door.",

1. What is 'that' indicating in the paragraph?

2. Is 'they' indicating 'shadowy guests' ?

3. Why are the two commas used there ? Are they just for pause ? not for grammatical reason ?

4. Why is 'the position of could' inverted ? I mean it should be "they could have been seen so much as knocking at her door." Is there any reason ?

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