Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Pity"

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Q: ¿Esto suena natural? It is a pity that even ordinary people in Japan steal a bicycle without feeling guilty. In my opinion, stealing something should not be allowed and we should tell young people how bad it is more often,as early as possible.
Some people say that there are many bicycles left at the station in Japan that do not seem to have been used for a long time. If someone steal the bicycle, we are reluctant to blame them,because the bicycle occupies the space in front of the station.
However, stealing a bicycle, if minor, is a crime and those who do so should rightly be punished for it. Besides, they are often young people and they are likely to go on to steal something once they succeed in a crime and are not punished for it.
Therefore, schools and parents should tell young people that they will be punished, or even worse arrested, even if they commit a small crime.

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