Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Preconception"

Otras preguntas sobre "Preconception"

Q: “I suppose one preconception I had, as a city-dweller - of a vast country with loads of countryside to explore - never really got put to the test.”

“one preconception I had never really got put to the test" or “one preconception that never really got put to the test"? Thank you for your help
A: had connects with never. the middle part is extra explanation but not completely necessary.

‎“I suppose one preconception I had, as a city-dweller of a vast country with loads of countryside to explore, never really got put to the test.”

see how the middle part is enclosed in commas?

‎“I suppose one preconception I had never really got put to the test.”

remove everything between the commas and you can see where they connect.

below is information about how commas are used on these types of sentences in case you wanted to know that too.

Using commas to mark off parts of a sentence

Commas are used to separate a part of a sentence that is an optional ‘aside’ and not part of the main statement.

Gunpowder is not, of course, a chemical compound.

His latest film, Calypso Dreams, opens next month.

In these sentences, the role of the commas is similar to their function in non-restrictive relative clauses: they mark off information that isn’t essential to the overall meaning. Using commas in this way can really help to clarify the meaning of a sentence. Take a look at this example:

Cynthia’s daughter, Sarah, is a midwife.

The writer’s use of commas tells us that Cynthia has only one daughter. If you removed Sarah’s name from the sentence, there would still be no doubt as to who was the midwife:

Cynthia’s daughter is a midwife.

If you rewrite the original sentence without commas its meaning changes:

Cynthia’s daughter Sarah is a midwife.

The lack of commas tells us that the name ‘Sarah’ is crucial to the understanding of the sentence. It shows that Cynthia has more than one daughter, and so the name of the one who is a midwife needs to be specified for the meaning to be clear.

If you aren’t sure whether you’ve used a pair of commas correctly, try replacing them with brackets or removing the information enclosed by the commas altogether, and then see if the sentence is still understandable, or if it still conveys the meaning you intended.

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