Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Proclaim"

El significado de "Proclaim" en varias frases y oraciones

Palabras similares a "Proclaim" y sus diferencias

Q: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre proclaim y claim ?
A: proclaim = to make an announcement.
eg: if you love someone, you can 'proclaim' your love for that person. it comes from old England when the king would send messengers around the towns of England and they would proclaim the rules of the king.
proclaiming is to tell everyone, and they can all hear you. you are not shy when you proclaim. Proclaim is to say something and you dont care what other people think.

Claim (2 meanings:

(1) = to say something which may be true. (but maybe it is also not true).
eg: he claims he can run 100 metres in 9 seconds.
claims = he says he can do it, but maybe we dont believe him because he did not show us.
(maybe it is true, or maybe it is not true).
another example: my girlfriend claims that she loves me.
(this means that my girlfriend told me that she loves me, but maybe she does not behave in this way. maybe she goes out a lot with her friends and she doesnt kiss me often, and maybe she doesnt spend much time with me. so I am not sure if she really loves me or not.
So, I can tell my friends: "she claims she loves me, but I am not sure about it"

(2) 'claim' = to say that something belongs to me.
eg: 100 to 400 years ago, the British went to many countries around the world and 'claimed' these countries.
It means that the British killed lots of people in these countries and became the new owners of these countries (ie: Australia, America, Canada, India, Hong Kong, Africa, etc)
The British 'claimed' these countries. (and they became countries of the British Commonwealth).
If you win a competition and you win the prize of $1000, you can CLAIM this prize.
It means that this prize is yours, and you must go to collect your prize.
Collecting your prize = to claim your prize. (you are taking it because it belongs to you).

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