Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Reflexion"

Otras preguntas sobre "Reflexion"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? That's my reflexion of a video I watched, could anyone correct it? Thanks million!!
Actually, it's not any homework, I know it's quite long but I'm just trying to improve my writing skills because it's so bad:

In one hand it's true that many youngs girls started a relationship with 12-13yo and it's like wtf are you doing, but you know, that's because our society that's not wrong at all many others tribus and even a subculture called gitanos here in Spain start the official relationship with 14 yo and then normally with 16 they get married and they cannot have sex before it, if not they are not allow to get married.

Girls' bodies start to get ready to be pregnant at the age of 12-13. In that moment is when they start to trying to get boys attention (not every girls but I'm talking about human beings and body clock), because that's human beings. However, biology and society going in differences ways and that the point where this man talked about.
Q: ¿Esto suena natural? That's my reflexion of a video I watched. Can anyone correct it?. Thanks million😊

About the video, well he didn't apport me new things. However I'm not agree at all with him in some aspect.
I used to think on the exactly the same way he is talking. I used to always asking my cousin (who have had many boyfriends), why are you with him, are you sure he will the man of your life are you gonna marry him.
And she used to answer "I dont know I'm just enjoying the moment, I'm not thinking about It". So I've been thinking a lot about this topic.

He's(the man in the video) talking about relationship just thinking about the future about get married and then have a family and that's not true at all. Like wtf is the only purpose of dating get married?? Are you seriosly?

Marriage is an social construction, what does happen if someone don't wanna get married, is that mean that they can't not have a relationship(???

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