Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Snowboard"

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Q: I wrote down my snowboard experience. If I have incorrect sentences , correct me.

Last week I went to do snowboarding with my friends. It was first time in 7 years and
it been a while to do snowboarding. So I forgot how to slide down by snowboard.
Firstly, I forget how to strap my binding to my snowboard and which binding right handed-person have to fix (I am right handed, and it seems that I am better off to fix my left binding).When I went up using chairlift and got off from that, I fell down on a ground.My hip and arm was painful. After I strap my binding and prepare all, I try to slide down. But it was difficult to slide down for the first time. But I managed to slide down for the second time.Right handed-person take an advantage for left foot ahead . So it is easy to put our weight to the left foot for sliding down . But I am good at sliding down for right foot ahead .
Maybe I am left-footed . Anyway I enjoyed that.

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