Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Spooky"

Palabras similares a "Spooky" y sus diferencias

Q: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre spooky y scary y terrifying ?
A: The intensity of fear.
It can mean slightly different things for real situations or for things like video games, so I'll go through both

Real situations:

If something is spooky, most people are only a little nervous.
Spooky is also more casual than the other two, and doesn't mean the situation is at all serious.
Someone might use this if a building feels a bit haunted, but they don't actually believe a ghost is there to hurt them

If something is scary, people will feel actual fear.
Things stop being fun for most people once it becomes scary

If something is terrifying, then that means people feel a very intense fear.
No one finds this fun. This means people think their life is genuinely in danger

Note that some people might exaggerate their fear and use the stronger words, even when they're not as scared as I just said they'd be

A man, a woman, and a girl are in a car. Another car almost crashes into them, but they avoid the crash.
"Oh, that was spooky," says the man, unbothered by the situation.
"Spooky?! No, we almost got hit! That was scary!" says the woman, who clearly felt fear when she saw the other car.
The woman speaks again, "and look at the girl in the back! It was terrifying for her!"
The man looks behind him at the girl. The girl has her knees to her chest and is shaking from fear.

Video games, movies, shows, or events with actors:

"Spooky" still means mostly the same thing.
Some people might be excited instead of nervous when they say this

"Scary" means people are starting to feel fear, but again, a lot of people might still be having fun since they know their life isn't actually in danger

"Terrifying" means people definitely feel fear. Again, though, people still know their actual life isn't in danger.
Someone who loves horror videos games might even say "that was terrifying!" but love the game, because it actually made them feel fear

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