Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Suggestion"

Ejemplos de oración usando "Suggestion"

Palabras similares a "Suggestion" y sus diferencias

Q: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre suggestion y advice & tip ?
A: advice (n.) an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular.
suggestion (n.) - an idea or plan that you offer for someone to consider.
Tip(n.)-a small but useful piece of practical advice.
Firstly, if it is about the degree of formality the least formal would be "tip" this is should be used in informal conversations it is not seen in essays or other "serious" and formal documents. (A tip is more direct; it's usually the bit of missing information the other person needs. a tip is an obvious small piece of helpful information). On the other hand you can use advice and suggestion In a more formal setting.
Secondly, the usage:
Advice is a term which is used in the sense to counsel. One can give advice for the problem or can simply give a solution. Advice, seems to be an opinion with command or control and even manipulation.
Ex. 1)If you need some advice about which courses to take, you can talk to the professors. 2)
Rely only on advice from health specialists.
A suggestion on the other hand is used in the sense of giving an idea. Suggestion, seems to be used as a plan or an idea without any command or control and manipulation. It is used to describe any suggestion in general.
Ex 1)Please give comments and suggestions for our new house.
Key differences: advice(means an opinion recommended or offered) while suggestion (an idea or a fact that is put ahead for analysis or consideration).

You also need to be careful with the usage of advice and advise; suggest and suggestion; hint and tip.

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