Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Susceptible"

Ejemplos de oración usando "Susceptible"

Palabras similares a "Susceptible" y sus diferencias

Q: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre susceptible y vulnerable ?
A: there are times when both make sense and you can use either, but there are also times you can only use one.. Vulnerable can be general or specific, susceptible is specific.

"The tank is susceptible to land mines exploding underneath."
"The tank is vulnerable to land mines blowing underneath"

In this scenario you can use either, although I would say susceptible is better because you are talking about something specific.

However you couldnt say
"Out in the open, that tank is susceptible"
You would say
"out in the open that tank is vulnerable"

because you are being general, youre not saying what its vulnerable too, you are just saying its in a weaker position.

However you could say
"Out in the open that tank is vulnerable/susceptible to attack"

There are cases when susceptible makes sense. When talking about something mechanical susceptible can also imply that this kind of thing has happened before a number of times.

"The tank is susceptible to its gun jamming"
This phrase implies that this specific tank has a problem where the guns jam and it has happened before

Of course you can change how serious it is with words like "very" "somewhat" or "a little"

"The tank is very susceptible to its gun jamming"
"The tank is somewhat susceptible to its gun jamming"
"The tank is a little susceptible to its gun jamming"

You can also use susceptible to describe a persons (usually negative) character traits or habits.
"This person is susceptible to tripping over on stairs"

In summary
Use Vulnerable when talking about something general, Use susceptible when talking about something specific that tends to happen

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