Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Term"

Palabras similares a "Term" y sus diferencias

Q: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre term y word ?
A: A term refers to an agreed upon word within a specific context, such as a career field (or trade), field of study, hobby, or (mayyybe) a subculture. These tend to be 'technical' or defined with precision in mind, but not necessarily. 'Term' can itself be used in the phrase 'colloquial term' for example, and a 'colloquial term' is another way of saying 'slang' or 'informal synonym.'

A word is basically defined by pronunciation, and in English (and all languages written in the Latin alphabet I know), we handily mark these with spaces. It does get more complex, as 'technically' some English 'words' are actually written with a space between, even though they are said as one word, but I think most native speakers don't notice this. (Edit: And I doubt that you will ever have to worry about this consciously.)

Of course, in some way, all words are 'terms', and you can say things like 'the Norwegian term is "Nordistikk"'. 'term' sounds more formal, and has some uses 'word' doesn't, but in many contexts they are synonymous, though with 'word' being much more common.

There are also other uses of 'term', of course, such as term = semester or a period of schooling between two holidays (ie. the spring term = the spring semester), likewise you can say 'his "term" in office' for the time someone has spent at some official position, you can be 'on friendly "terms"' with someone, and it has some specific uses in maths.

Edit: Actually, I do not know if 'word' is more common. There is an assumption that informal words are indeed more common, but I don't have any statistics to prove it. :D

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