Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Tra"

Palabras similares a "Tra" y sus diferencias

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Q: Kiểm tra lỗi sai giúp tôi
Dear mother,
Hello from St. Petersburg! I’m having a lots of fun. I’m staying at a luxurious hotel. You would love it. The hotel is right by river. My apartment have three big room: the living room, the bed room and the bathroom.
I’ve gone up on the roof to see all the city. It’s a change to conquer the city. I am on top and the city is at my feet. Also, from the rooftop I can survey the beauty and the ugliness of the city: chimneys, stone walls and sunset can be a stunning picture, an internal vision.
Tomorrow I am going to tour of the heritage of St. Petersburg. This is old tram depot of Vasiliyevsky Island – now a museum housing some of the old vehicles.
Wish you were here. Love from your son!

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