Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Uniqe"

Otras preguntas sobre "Uniqe"

Q: ‎1. I'm not sure how long ago they were made and how long it has been

2. The uniqe image of coffee culture in French I have is that the tables are set faching the street and people sit next to other not across from eachother.

3. I don't become in the mood for drinking at home.

4. Have you ever thought that you want to go to Hawaii?

5. There is no dessert on the menu so, we should ask for it later.

6. They have various kinds of wine selections from cheapest to highest.

7. There are few people who go clubbing for just dancing and listening to music. Altough most of guys go there to pick up girls in general.

8. Have you ever been in a situation where your Japanese boyfriend couldn't understand your Japanese?

Are these natural? If it sounds unnatural or grammatically wrong, please let me know😊

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