Actualizado en
7 jun 2021

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  • Inglés (US)
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  • Chino simplificado
Pregunta de Inglés (US)

¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Arnold Toynbee called it “Hubris”, which means ‘The success of a creative minority who succeeded in changing history, becoming arrogant, blocking own's ears and being arbitrary and losing judgment.’

Is this sentence is quite natural? or i'd like to ask the sentence of "Huburis", << is the comma should out of the quote or gotta be inside?
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  • Inglés (US)
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Arnold Toynbee called it “Hubris”, which means ‘The success of a creative minority who succeeded in changing history, becoming arrogant, blocking own's ears and being arbitrary and losing judgment.’
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