Actualizado en
22 mar 2022

  • Tailandés
  • Coreano
  • Inglés (US)
Pregunta de Coreano

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre 는 + V y ㄴ/은 + V ?Puedes dar oraciones como ejemplo.

I want to know about How we should use these word s in situation , I know that ㄴ/은 + N = past tenses and 는 + V = present but i really confuse

Examples :

돈을 내는 만큼 과자를 받아야지요

돈을 낸 만큼 과자를 받아야지요

What Should i use in this situation?
So when we are speaking about this situation i have paid the money so i am given that snacks

But!! In that time i’m speaking at that time! So i shoud use 는 or ㄴ , 은
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre 는 + V y ㄴ/은 + V ?
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