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Translation from Inglés (US)
96 hits

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Alliance y alignment ?

@mohamedFT Alliance: an agreement between two or more people/groups to work together Ex: Britain and France had an alliance during WWII to work together. Alignment: to match or line up with som...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Alliance y Coalition ?

联盟是短期内团体的联合,联盟是为了互惠互利而结成的联盟 联盟经常用于公司和国家联盟 A coalition is a joining of groups for a short time an...
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which one is correct?
I'm learning French in the French Alliance.
I'm learning French at the Fren...

I’m learning French at the French Alliance.
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¿Qué significa alliance?

When two groups work together against a common enemy. Typically it's used when two countries work together during war.
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does alliance =coalition?

Alliance is a stronger and more trusting coalition
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre alliance's store y store of the alliance ?

Alliance's store sounds more natural than the store of the Alliance. The second one it's not grammatically incorrect, but a native speaker would not phrase it that way. It sounds like a translation...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Technical Collaboration Agreement y Technical Alliance Agreement ?

That basically mean the same thing except the words collaboration and alliances change the meanin...
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alliance??what does it mean ?

An alliance is to form a bond or pact with someone - it is typically some sort of agreement that may include helping each other out or being on each other's side in conflict.
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alliance??what does it mean??

If 2 or more people/countries/organizations join/merge for mutual benefit, they form an alliance.
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre alliance y union ?

An alliance is two separate countries agreeing to help each other (usually militarily). A union is when two countries join together into one political body (like Austria-Hungary, Poland-Lithuania, ...
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