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2,745 hits

¿Qué significa Concerning?

Sometimes it is like a formal version of "about". -I'm calling concerning the job application you submitted to our company. Sometimes it means you are worried, or something should make people worry.
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Regarding y Concerning ?

You can really use either in a business email. I see them used interchangeably. "Regarding" might be a little more detached (to regard is to stand back and observe), and "concerning" might be a l...
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Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con Concerning.

I have sent you a letter concerning the issue we discussed earlier. That student's grades are ve...
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¿Qué significa Most People Can’t Tell the Difference Between Art Made by Humans and by AI, a Rather Concerning N...?

"rather" can also mean "quite" "somewhat". So, a "somewhat/quite concerning new study."
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre About y Concerning y Regarding ?

concerning and regarding are formal words used in Business English, preferably in written Speech. About is more flexible and can be used for both oral and written Speech as well as formal and infor...
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Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con Concern, concerned, concerning....

I'm concerned about something. You don't need to be concerned about that. Her behavior is concerning. That is really concerning. My concern about it is that...
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¿Qué significa Concerning how to learn English,it’s hard to explain that.

Does it sound natural??

@SupperMoment It’s hard to understand, can you explain?
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Self reflective y Self conscious y Concerning metafiction ?

self reflective: that pays attention to how you act, how you think etc. self conscious: insecure meta fiction: a type of book that makes the reader think about their life through parody
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Towards y Regarding y Concerning y Show me examples, plz ?

towards is about movement or direction I ran towards the mountain That was directed towards me he threw the ball towards the catcher regarding and concerning are similar but concerning has two ...
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¿Qué significa concerning?

Scaring, worrying. It makes American officials upset.
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