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Translation from Inglés (US)
Palacio de justicia
22 hits

¿Qué significa Courthouse?

A courthouse is where trials take place and a judge decides justice based on law. The courthouse may also have the jail or where you can get copies of official papers.
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What is the difference between "court," "courthouse," and "Courtroom?"

Courthouse and courtroom sound more formal, court sounds more casual.
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¿Qué significa This is Michelle Ling, reporting live from the Fulton County Courthouse. This sentencing was brou...?

Michelle Ling is a news reporter on television or radio. Michelle is outside a government buildin...
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What does "as Jimmy is deliberating with himself in the courthouse parking lot. " mean in the fol...

It means that he is having a conversation with himself. Thinking out loud may be.
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What does "strode in and walked back out"(4th paragraph) mean?
Does it mean:
Flynn strode into ...

"Flynn strode in and walked back out without any comment." This implies that Flynn somewhat arrogantly walked into the courthouse front door, then arrogantly walked out of the front door, with n...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre courthouses y city halls ?

city hall = alcaldes, oficios courthouse = jueces, abogados
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Its correct?
1. He's policeman. He works in a police station.
2. She's lawyer. She works in a cou...

The only mistake is "They're singer" should be "They're singers" in plural.
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Could you tell me if this review sounds natural?
I’m sorry it’s too long, but it would be great ...

You will be understood, but it has issues. Don't start a sentence with "And". The last sentence has odd content and does not look natural.
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¿Qué significa Hi guys ,so I'd like to know the meaning of this phrase NOTHING PLAYS LIKE PICTURES IN A COURTHO...?

Probably means Photographic evidence is very compelling to jurors in a trial
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Could you please rephrase my sentences in a better way?🙇

Today's morning, when I got out of b...

This morning my boyfriend kissed me, stroked my hair and said " I like you". This surprised me as hes never done that before. I have been depressed lately, maybe he is trying to make things better ...
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