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Translation from Inglés (US)
41 hits

¿Qué significa emblem?

@andyliu520 it means a logo or symbol used to represent something
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¿Qué significa emblem?

a symbol to represent something or someone
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¿Qué significa 'emblem'?

An Emblem is a symbol. The emblem in the picture is probably the symbol on the gun (emblems used ...
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¿Qué significa the emblem of monarch?

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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre emblem y logo ?

so emeblem is used by countries ( coat of arms ) also on stamps are emblems and logo are like mcdonalds Nike starbucks design
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre emblem y badge ?

An emblem is a graphic. It can be on paper like a drawing, or it could be worn like a badge. A badge is symbol you wear like a police badge. This is a badge...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre logo y emblem ?

An emblem (徽) is a heraldic device or symbolic object as a distinctive badge of a nation, organiz...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre emblem y motto ?

An emblem is a symbol that represents a family, organization, etc. Emblems are visual images, or sometimes physical objects. A motto also represents a family/organization, but is a short sentenc...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre crest y emblem ?

Crest and 紋 are the same more or less. They both are emblems that represent a family and a power ...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre emblem y symbol ?

An emblem is usually a picture associated with a human organization, such as a business or family. A symbol is more abstract and includes emblems, letters, and even mathematical notation.
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