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Translation from Inglés (US)
16 hits

A legion of Orcs [march / marches] on the Mountain.

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¿Qué significa orc?

An imaginary race. From the books: the hobbit, lord of the rings. Or the video game warcraft.
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Can I write sentences like this: "It's a fantasy. It's about hobbits, orcs and elves. It's the sa...

Technically you can, it just sounds really monotone. In English we are taught to always start a new sentence differently so it's more interesting to read. If each sentence starts the same way it be...
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Hmm it is difficult to translate this sequence part in english.
I don't know what kind of words ...

Together, the armies of the human nations have secured victory in the battle of Trent, thanks to ...
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In The Lord Of The Rings writes: "Fierce and shrill rose the yells of the Orcs, and suddenly the ...

He's using them as adverbs to modify "rose". This structure is very uncommon and is used to sound very formal and old. "Bright shone the sun" is another example.
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This picture is from Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

On the next page, Greg says “l hope she(his mom) isn...

"The first chance I get, she's getting handed over to a pack of wolves" 私にチャンスがあったら、"母"をオクの群れに渡すから。
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Does this sound natural??
But internet people use this word for taunting someone deliberately as...

but people on the internet use this word to deliberately taunt others, suggesting that they look ...
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hey ! i have an important Homework, i have to creat an short history about a war between two clan...

Once, a baby was born, she was the only person in the entire world who had one human parent and o...
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Please help correction of this text i this correct??

Okay, let me sh...

Zikmund: Okay, let me show you this map describing power relationships. This is the continent w...
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Rewrite these sentences without changing their meaning. Start with the words given.

1- The orcs ...

If you didn't make so much noise, the orcs wouldn't come to attack us. If the dragon was sleepi...
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