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Translation from Inglés (US)
1,358 hits

¿Qué significa Salaries are based on how damaging it would be for that company for the person to leave?

分解しましょう。 "salaries" = 給料 "X is based on Y" = XはYによる "how damaging it would be for A for B to...
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¿Qué significa Skat salaries ?

maybe skant? skant salaries = low salaries
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Salaries for software engineers in Vancouver are about half what they are in Seattle. y Salaries of software engineers in Vancouver is about half of the one in Seattle ?

salaries for software engineers - this sentence gives me the idea that the main subject is the salary they receive, yet you're being too specific. salaries of software engineers - it's related to ...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre small amount of salaries y small salaries ?

small salary is a little money small amount of salaries is a few salaries, like three people have a salary.
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earn more salaries
earn higher salaries
are both correct ??

Each person only receives one salary from each job they work. The salary is the total amount an employee is paid each year So a person would earn a higher salary. Many people would earn higher sal...
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¿Qué significa underwrite the salaries of staff members?

Underwrite means to pay or to cover the cost of their salaries.
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre salary y salaries ?

@1ff5236b Salary is a singular, i.e: "I get my salary every month." Salaries is a plural (more than one), i.e: "Salaries of our workers were delayed this month."
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Can I say:

1. The pay is (late - on time)in this company
2. The pay in this company is (late - ...

1,2 - diría 'they pay late' o 'this company pays late' 3 - timely paid NO, los demas sí 4 - est...
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¿Qué significa How can they justify paying such huge salaries??

justify = have a good reason for doing something based on evidence. you can justify buying a new coat if your old coat has holes in it.
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre salaries y a salary ?

Most people living in that area have high salaries.(集合的な観点から見て、高い収入が何パターンか儲けられている) Most people l...
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