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Translation from Inglés (US)
4,361 hits

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Road Trip y Trip ?

road trip; you are traveling by driving yourself on the road street highway by land trip; is a general term for traveling.
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¿Qué significa Trip?

Trip has two main definitions. 1."To stumble or fall" 2."the act of going to a place and returning"
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¿Qué significa Trip?

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¿Qué significa "Trip"?

It's slang for "what are you freaking out about" or "what are you worrying about" etc Basically anytime someone is acting weird but usually I would only say this to friends otherwise it would come ...
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¿Qué significa Trip up?

“Trip up” usualmente se usa como “algo trips alguien up” y significa que algo confunde a alguien ...
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¿Qué significa Trip off ?

a trip out of school grounds
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¿Qué significa field trip, road trip?

Field trip = children in school taking a trip as a class Road trip = driving in a car to another city/state or any location relatively far.
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Cost of the trip y Trip cost ?

I understand this might be confusing for a Spanish speaker, because your language only allows the...
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre trip on, trip over , trip off y trip up ?

Trip on and Trip over: To hit something you didn't see with your foot while walking and fall down. Trip up: to confuse. Trip off is not something I've ever heard, so I can't help with that one.
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¿Qué significa Trip me up?

(That) tripped me up = confused me
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